Rally Hat
This is the official Bad Obsession Motorsport Rally Hat.
It’s a wooly hat.
It’s black and made from something called Thinsulate.
Thinsulate is thin and it sulates you. It’s as if they just make these words up willy nilly. Like Boswelox. Do you remember Boswelox? When I first heard the word Boswelox I though to myself ‘Bo****ks’. Turned out I was right; it was completely fictional and the advert was banned.
This hat is sure to keep you warm and toasty in the garage or the workshop or at the race track or rally stage, or anywhere really. If it’s cold. You wouldn’t wear it if it was hot obviously, that would be insane…
There were only 50 of these black rally hats available, but like the mugs – which we claim are limited edition – we’ll continue to produce as long as people keep buying them. Of course, eventually we’ll stop, so technically they are a limited edition but I digress…
Get your hat now, get your head in it and wear it with pride!
I know what you’re thinking – shut up and take my money! Well, just click on the button below, pay us £13.00 (plus P+P ) of your hard earned cash and we’ll freaking well send you one!
Don’t delay, grab one today!
Only 4 left in stock (can be backordered)