
This Link KnockBlock G4+ kit allows the tuner to listen for engine knock through a set of headphones or earbuds while tuning. The tuner can then very quickly make the required changes to the tune (such as retarding ignition timing or reducing boost), before damage to the engine takes place.

Rather than a correctly timed and progressive increase in combustion chamber pressure during controlled combustion, knock, also known as detonation or “pinging”, refers to the spontaneous, uncontrolled combustion of an air/fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber. Engine knock can cause severe engine damage within seconds. Therefore, detecting and preventing knock is a tuners top priority when tuning any petrol engine.

This Link KnockBlock G4+ contains:

  • G4+ KnockBlock
  • 2 sensor looms (attached)
  • 1 headphone loom (attached)
  • Quick Start Guide
  • 1 USB cable mini
  • 2 Bosch type doughnut OEM knock sensors
  • 2 small Link Engine Management stickers


  • Listen to one or two knock sensors
  • Special filtering design improves signal to noise ratio
  • Can be used with ear buds, ear phones and noise cancelling ear muffs
  • Long life lithium rechargeable battery
  • Rugged CNC aluminium enclosure
  • Flying lead headphones connector
  • Can be used with all OEM knock sensors
  • Can be used to interface directly to a laptop for recording of engine noise or knock sensor frequency analysis (using PCLink G4+)
0.2 kg
12 × 12 × 8 cm
SKU: Link-Knockblock Categories: , ,